Yeti Airlines donates to social organisations

Ang Tshiring Sherpa, managing director of Yeti Airlines handed the cheque of Rs 2,65,220, each to four organisations; Tewa, an organisation committed to the empowerment and advancement of women through regular grant making to women’s groups all across Nepal; OCCED that assists and improves the situation of the disorganised sector of communities and provides education to the under privileged children of the country; Sewa Kendra Leprosy Relief that freely treats leprosy affected people in their hospital and government leprosarium, works for leprosy elimination and extends free medical care to the destitute and Nepal Glaucoma Eye Clinic (Tilganga Eye Centre) yesterday.
The total amount donated by Yeti Airlines is Rs 10,60,880, states a press release. Last fiscal year, for the same cause, Yeti Airlines had donated a total of Rs 17,42,036 that is Rs 4,35,509, each to Tewa, OCCED, Maiti Nepal and Nepal Leprosy Relief Association in two instalments.
Yeti Airlines’ biggest socio-economic contribution is the accessibility it provides to various remote areas like Bajhang, Simikot, Manang, Rukum, Dolpo, Bajura, Rara, Lukla, Phaplu, Rumjhatar. Yeti Airlines Domestic is the only means of transportation to some of these very remote areas in Nepal, , claims the company.
Yeti Airlines has played a vital role in providing a lifeline between the remote mountain regions and the rest of the worldpromoting tourism, environment conservation, preventing starvation by ferrying foodstuff, providing rescue mission for sick people in need of emergency medical care and by being the only reliable mode of transportation to and fro in the mountain regions of Nepal.
Ang Tshiring Sherpa, man- aging director of Yeti Air- lines handed the cheque of Rs 2,65,220, each to four organisations; Tewa, an or- ganisation committed to the empowerment and ad- vancement of women through regular grant making to women’s groups all across Nepal; OCCED that assists and improves the situation of the disor- ganised sector of commu- nities and provides educa- tion to the under privi- leged children of the coun- try; Sewa Kendra Leprosy Relief that freely treats leprosy affected people in their hospital and gov- ernment leprosarium, works for leprosy elimina- tion and extends free med- ical care to the destitute and Nepal Glaucoma Eye Clinic (Tilganga Eye Cen- tre) yesterday. The total amount donat- ed by Yeti Airlines is Rs 10,60,880, states a press re- lease. Last fiscal year, for the same cause, Yeti Airlines had donated a total of Rs 17,42,036 that is Rs 4,35,509, each to Tewa, OCCED, Maiti Nepal and Nepal Leprosy Relief Association in two instalments. Yeti Airlines’ biggest so- cio-economic contribu- tion is the accessibility it provides to various remote areas like Bajhang, Simikot, Manang, Rukum, Dolpo, Bajura, Rara, Lukla, Phaplu, Rumjhatar. Yeti Airlines Domestic is the only means of transporta- tion to some of these very remote areas in Nepal, , claims the company. Yeti Airlines has played a vital role in providing a lifeline between the re- mote mountain regions and the rest of the world- promoting tourism, envi- ronment conservation, preventing starvation by ferrying foodstuff, provid- ing rescue mission for sick people in need of emer- gency medical care and by being the only reliable mode of transportation to and fro in the mountain re- gions of Nepal.

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